
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If you were born between the above specified periods, you can fit in the famous Y-generation. This is a generation whose biggest claim to big jobs and high salaries is not based on experience unless you started working as an infant  but on the knowledge of the thing that is driving the world this days, IT. This is a generation that does not believe in waiting for long for things to happen, the pesapap generation where thins happen at the snap of a finger. The so called microwave lifestyle has realy made most of the people in this generation lazy and a new binomial nomenclature remember this crap in high school of names like couch potato and others are becoming a normality. While the older generation are used to wait for 10yrs for a promotion, the Y generation doesn’t really give a damn ho long they’ve worked, if they need a raise or promotion which they deem fit they will raise it. They don’t believe in protocol, well it’s the biggest killer of creativity but they want to have access to their CEO at any given moment.
       It’s a known fact that the Y-generation contains some of the most creative minds you will ever find anywhere, so you either pay us well or we start our own companies we got 20 yrs to fail n ultimately succeed . They are not hard to please and if they can play away from the norm, like coming to work in jean, then that’s considered cool. They don’t believe in hard work I particularly don’t , I actually believe in working smart, that there is a big difference between activity and achievement. Well in school I was told that its about working smart n not working hard that will help me nad I believe its very true.
           Over the last few years there has been tremendous growth in technology. While Bill gates gave us windows & Office, Larry Elison at Oracle gave us databases, the other Larry page and sergey brin gave us Google, which is now a verb though nobody can quantify what on earth google stands for. Then of course Steve Jobs who is smarter than all the above revolutionized four different areas. 1st he gave us animation (Pixar), then he gave us the Ipod and Itunes, then the famous macbook pro n macbook air, then ofcourse the life changer Iphone, Recently he introduced the Ipad and am not sure what other Icrap he is working on. With strides like those during your lifetime, you are bound to be a bit smarter if not more stupid  than the other generations. all pun intended  am actually jazzed at what the next level generation of gadgets will be like. These days you can follow a live blog of an event in Cupertino don’t realy know how a place can be called such a name or get updates on facebook and tweets on twitter. Here in Kenya we got three things happening, the fibre optic is here, the thika super highway will be an architectural marvel in east and central Africa and lastly, we got a new constitution. We had better make good use of them.


Love has always been a subject that has been discussed only when emotion are involved, but there is apparently a scientific angle to this thing. Well its no a eureka moment and it will never be one coz this whole love thing is more complicated than science, I don’t know how Solomon had a thousand wives. One of the things I believe in is that there is nothing like best friends between a guy and a chic, well for every chic who has ever had the tag of being my best friend at any moment falls in either of the following categories
·         A chic I vibed, things didn’t work so I settled for the second best spot, a friend with the hope that ones day she will realize what she is been lacking or vice versa
·         A chic I still hope things will work out one day
·         A chic who I want to vibe but have never gotten the courage and myt never get it coz the subject is more rocket science than string theory
Having said this lets a sober look at the scientific there is one definition of falling in love. It’s a scientific fact that you cant fall in love in your normal sense. This means some parts of your brain have to be switched off for you to fall in love. In black and white you have to be stupid an idiot to fall in love. This is because each and every person has flaws so unless your mind is not working well, you will definitely see the flaws. Have you ever seen a chic or guy who cannot hold a meaningful conversation for 5 mins 20 minutes but when they fall in love they talk the whole nyt. Did they actually become smart overnyt they may never be smart at any point in life the truth is these two are talking bout some really stupid stuff. But their minds have been switched off so they can notice the difference. The parts of your brain that need to be switched off for you to fall in love are:
*      The part that sees the wrong things in other people
*      The part that separates crap stupid stories from real conversations
*      The part that prioritizes time and decisions
For you to fall in love or into you have to not see the wrong things in the other person, you have to listen to their crap and find it interesting coz u got no choice nyway and you have to spend more time with them irrespective of work n more important meetings. Do you know why when one person is in love and the other is not you hear things like, are you out of your mind?. He he well they are not thinking straight coz the love has disabled some parts of the brain. Smitten couple spends a lot of their time talking and they both have very funny stories, we knew them before and they couldn’t conjure up enough stories or lies to save their faces. What has happened now, well they still talking bout crap but both their minds have been switched off so they don’t notice the difference. If you want proof of this just listen to two newly in love people and you will be surprised how someone can the say something that stupid  problem is that the other will actually find it funny. These cover both the good and the bad.
       Let’s now look at the ugly. While some people may be ugly not be good looking, the ugly part is when the 3 parts that had been switched off to facilitate the falling in love start being switched on by one. First the part that sees the wrong things in other people. Have you ever heared this question “what was I thinking falling for this guy?” he he truth is you are not thinking, your mind had gone on leave. 2nd part is the one that makes priorities, you suddenly notice that you got more important things to think about, and people more interesting to talk to, than the person who now doesn’t sound fun any more, they never were anyway,. Lastly you wonder how you got there, you are not alone. Nobody ever knows how they got there. And there you have it the scientific definition of love. There is also the emotional definition, which I don’t believe in, and also the spiritual definition so you have a choice to pick which one you would want to be defined by.

QUOTE: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, simply because we cant proof that something exists doesn’t mean we have proof that is doesn’t. There are known knowns things that we know we know, known unknowns things that we know that we know and unkown unkowns things that we don’t know that we don’t know