was thinking all through that the govt will have to rig in order to win the referendum, but from the way things are going, looks like they myt just win fair and square. lets examine something here, i have never thought that the abortion clause and the kadhi courts are contentious issues..truth be told, abortion still happens and kadhi courts deal with muslims only.
the land issue might be a bit sensitive but not very.80% of the people in the NO camp were influenced by the church and that i agree.
I dont think the NO camp needs to include lies like the one about gay marriages coz there are enough issue that can genuinely bring this thing down, nway this might just be their biggest undoing, however am still scared about this draft. am scared that even if people vote against it it will still go through
Am scared that the implementation of the same might be a bit weird,
Am scared that Kenya might not be ready for sweeping changes because we are known to vote for people like mwakwere coz of resisting change.
But here is my biggest fear, that whatever draft we vote for myt not be the one that will be implemented, am seeing a situation where we vote for one draft and implement a different one, its happened before and it can still happen.
Am also scared of the US involvement in this dratf, why would a country have so much intrest in another countries internal affairs.
Yes, have had a liking for the draft but its too good to be true. just one question, will there be transparency in the implememtation of the draft.
Politicaly speaking, am seeing Kibaki teling us who to vote for, give one candidate a headstart in the campaigns then disolve parliament and call for election just to catch the other pple off guard. yes that the fear i have and it myt actualy come to pass...he he
I agree with most things in this post especially the part that we may implement a different draft than the one we have have for. As someone said, we have a very good document but it is in the wrong hands!