
Wednesday, August 11, 2010


If you were born between the above specified periods, you can fit in the famous Y-generation. This is a generation whose biggest claim to big jobs and high salaries is not based on experience unless you started working as an infant  but on the knowledge of the thing that is driving the world this days, IT. This is a generation that does not believe in waiting for long for things to happen, the pesapap generation where thins happen at the snap of a finger. The so called microwave lifestyle has realy made most of the people in this generation lazy and a new binomial nomenclature remember this crap in high school of names like couch potato and others are becoming a normality. While the older generation are used to wait for 10yrs for a promotion, the Y generation doesn’t really give a damn ho long they’ve worked, if they need a raise or promotion which they deem fit they will raise it. They don’t believe in protocol, well it’s the biggest killer of creativity but they want to have access to their CEO at any given moment.
       It’s a known fact that the Y-generation contains some of the most creative minds you will ever find anywhere, so you either pay us well or we start our own companies we got 20 yrs to fail n ultimately succeed . They are not hard to please and if they can play away from the norm, like coming to work in jean, then that’s considered cool. They don’t believe in hard work I particularly don’t , I actually believe in working smart, that there is a big difference between activity and achievement. Well in school I was told that its about working smart n not working hard that will help me nad I believe its very true.
           Over the last few years there has been tremendous growth in technology. While Bill gates gave us windows & Office, Larry Elison at Oracle gave us databases, the other Larry page and sergey brin gave us Google, which is now a verb though nobody can quantify what on earth google stands for. Then of course Steve Jobs who is smarter than all the above revolutionized four different areas. 1st he gave us animation (Pixar), then he gave us the Ipod and Itunes, then the famous macbook pro n macbook air, then ofcourse the life changer Iphone, Recently he introduced the Ipad and am not sure what other Icrap he is working on. With strides like those during your lifetime, you are bound to be a bit smarter if not more stupid  than the other generations. all pun intended  am actually jazzed at what the next level generation of gadgets will be like. These days you can follow a live blog of an event in Cupertino don’t realy know how a place can be called such a name or get updates on facebook and tweets on twitter. Here in Kenya we got three things happening, the fibre optic is here, the thika super highway will be an architectural marvel in east and central Africa and lastly, we got a new constitution. We had better make good use of them.


Love has always been a subject that has been discussed only when emotion are involved, but there is apparently a scientific angle to this thing. Well its no a eureka moment and it will never be one coz this whole love thing is more complicated than science, I don’t know how Solomon had a thousand wives. One of the things I believe in is that there is nothing like best friends between a guy and a chic, well for every chic who has ever had the tag of being my best friend at any moment falls in either of the following categories
·         A chic I vibed, things didn’t work so I settled for the second best spot, a friend with the hope that ones day she will realize what she is been lacking or vice versa
·         A chic I still hope things will work out one day
·         A chic who I want to vibe but have never gotten the courage and myt never get it coz the subject is more rocket science than string theory
Having said this lets a sober look at the scientific there is one definition of falling in love. It’s a scientific fact that you cant fall in love in your normal sense. This means some parts of your brain have to be switched off for you to fall in love. In black and white you have to be stupid an idiot to fall in love. This is because each and every person has flaws so unless your mind is not working well, you will definitely see the flaws. Have you ever seen a chic or guy who cannot hold a meaningful conversation for 5 mins 20 minutes but when they fall in love they talk the whole nyt. Did they actually become smart overnyt they may never be smart at any point in life the truth is these two are talking bout some really stupid stuff. But their minds have been switched off so they can notice the difference. The parts of your brain that need to be switched off for you to fall in love are:
*      The part that sees the wrong things in other people
*      The part that separates crap stupid stories from real conversations
*      The part that prioritizes time and decisions
For you to fall in love or into you have to not see the wrong things in the other person, you have to listen to their crap and find it interesting coz u got no choice nyway and you have to spend more time with them irrespective of work n more important meetings. Do you know why when one person is in love and the other is not you hear things like, are you out of your mind?. He he well they are not thinking straight coz the love has disabled some parts of the brain. Smitten couple spends a lot of their time talking and they both have very funny stories, we knew them before and they couldn’t conjure up enough stories or lies to save their faces. What has happened now, well they still talking bout crap but both their minds have been switched off so they don’t notice the difference. If you want proof of this just listen to two newly in love people and you will be surprised how someone can the say something that stupid  problem is that the other will actually find it funny. These cover both the good and the bad.
       Let’s now look at the ugly. While some people may be ugly not be good looking, the ugly part is when the 3 parts that had been switched off to facilitate the falling in love start being switched on by one. First the part that sees the wrong things in other people. Have you ever heared this question “what was I thinking falling for this guy?” he he truth is you are not thinking, your mind had gone on leave. 2nd part is the one that makes priorities, you suddenly notice that you got more important things to think about, and people more interesting to talk to, than the person who now doesn’t sound fun any more, they never were anyway,. Lastly you wonder how you got there, you are not alone. Nobody ever knows how they got there. And there you have it the scientific definition of love. There is also the emotional definition, which I don’t believe in, and also the spiritual definition so you have a choice to pick which one you would want to be defined by.

QUOTE: Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence, simply because we cant proof that something exists doesn’t mean we have proof that is doesn’t. There are known knowns things that we know we know, known unknowns things that we know that we know and unkown unkowns things that we don’t know that we don’t know

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


was thinking all through that the govt will have to rig in order to win the referendum, but from the way things are going, looks like they myt just win fair and square. lets examine something here, i have never thought that the abortion clause and the kadhi courts are contentious issues..truth be told, abortion still happens and kadhi courts deal with muslims only.
the land issue might be a bit sensitive but not very.80% of the people in the NO camp were influenced by the church and that i agree.
I dont think the NO camp needs to include lies like the one about gay marriages coz there are enough issue that can genuinely bring this thing down, nway this might just be their biggest undoing, however am still scared about this draft. am scared that even if people vote against it it will still go through
Am scared that the implementation of the same might be a bit weird,
Am scared that Kenya might not be ready for sweeping changes because we are known to vote for people like mwakwere coz of resisting change.
But here is my biggest fear, that whatever draft we vote for myt not be the one that will be implemented, am seeing a situation where we vote for one draft and implement a different one, its happened before and it can still happen.
Am also scared of the US involvement in this dratf, why would a country have so much intrest in another countries internal affairs.
Yes, have had a liking for the draft but its too good to be true. just one question, will there be transparency in the implememtation of the draft.
Politicaly speaking, am seeing Kibaki teling us who to vote for, give one candidate a headstart in the campaigns then disolve parliament and call for election just to catch the other pple off guard. yes that the fear i have and it myt actualy come to pass...he he

Tuesday, July 20, 2010


after trying to learn colours,av made a serious discovery
.1)guys trousers r in two colours jeans na material.
.2)apart 4rm the 5 colours i kno..chics call evry other colour purple..i call them that too
.3)there more importants things-global warming- to thnk about than clours
NWAY and above all who gives a damn about colours.. tell me about the new mac n i will listen

Monday, May 17, 2010


Over the last weeknd, two of Kenya’s leading entertainment magazines carried stories alluding into the commercialization of gospel music rather than winning souls. Let’s do a small flashback. When Groove awards had issues smtimes back, the media covered the whole drama with serious zeal, come 2010 n although they are covering the success, they are more focused on what ws wrong than the big part that was excellent. Some guys who writes in a funny style wrote this words “who would want to listen to you stammering on stage”, well we can all see where Eko dida is today despite that. Fast forward today n most of the guys who were dissed are now ruling the airwves. After the success of Groove 2010, we shuld have expected such words from the media. Here is reason why.
Well, they might have a point, but if anyone is to be a moral cop of the music industry it cant be the two pulications. The media lack moral credibility to criticize other people coz they aint clean either. Agreed, gospel musicians are not saints n so is me, u, the church n surely the media is the same. We make mistakes; fall down bt to tell you the truth the media is not trying to bring spirituality to the industry, to them, drama sells so a clean industry is not good for them, we all seem to be falling to the trap, here is how.
Lets think straight, the media is not correcting the gospel industry-you cant correct pple on smthing you as a well- . what they are doing is igniting a war of words btwn them and the artists, btwn gospel artists n pastors and among the gospel music enthusiasts themselves. Instead of helping smbdy when they make a mistake we will point fingers more coz the media planted that seed of pointing fingers. Since last Friday have updates of fcbk that show those words realy affected sme pple. The comments that followed are a confirmation of what am saying, its more of why am right n u r wrong.
All Christians should be justified by the bible n Christ coz he is the one who called them. No artist should feel obliged to justify themselves to these publication because am sure they even don’t kno your calling hence they have no idea why you do what you do. Trying to argue among us is a win for the devil- you remember the author of confusion- ITS TIMES LIKE THIS THAT WE NEED TO GO ON OUR KNEES, God knows our purpose n he will lead us to the end. Taking over the music industry as the gospel has would come at a PRICE (well this is it). Are we ready to pay? Its just the beginning, more persecution not only in words will come. Its time we supported each other, our artists arnt saints, bt we are not saints also. Get ready for some serious spiritual battle.
Ephesians 6:12-18. Take the full amour, God will see us through this. More importantly, lets love, care, encourage n pray for each other ”the battle is not ours, it’s the lords ”. pray that he grants us victory over anyone trying to bring this kingdom down in the media, its at times like this that is we ACT AS JESUS WOULD, that we will experience the most growth. May you be blessed as you fearlessly continue building the kingdom

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


WELL have done ma best to read the draft n here is my 2cents worth of advice. One this is perhaps one of the best drafts we have had in a long time. depending on where you are looking at it from, then this is quite some good piece. well i wont tell you ma vote bt i support 95% of the draft. what i have a problem with is the way the draft is being explained by the YES n NO camps..
its almost a no brainer that the draft will pass. with the type of rigging we saw in 2007, now u know Odm N PNu are in the same side so this is double tragedy, add into the mix mr. Wiper n the deal is sealed. bt for some moment. whatever way the clause on abortion is put, the lawyers will always have diff opinions so nothing new. the issue of kadhi courts is the thing that might make me vote no.. but a point here is that its never been done before where a right is removed from the constitution but in most cases they try to make it more inclusive, my take is that inclusion of religious courts would be a better idea than removal of kadhis courts. with the many churches around i think it would be impossible to agree on one such court. Furthermore, Christianity to some people is not more of a religion but a way of life so legislating wont go well with them. whichever way we look at it, it might be the only reason kibaki become president, to atleast leave a legacy.
whichever way the vote goes, sme pple will be to blame for the future of the country..
this is ma 1st of many takes on the draft to come.. part 2 is up tomorow

Monday, May 10, 2010


When we hear of groove awards the thing that comes to mind is who won what award. Who won but I dnt agree with n who in our opinion should have won. Well all that is good, bt there is a side of groove that made it what it was on May 1st. For anybdy planning to do events in future, here are sme lessons we can learn:

TIME: groove was supposd to be on NTV btwn 2pm n 7pm.well they started on time, finishd on time.. the MC’s appeared on stage 3times only. All the announcement n presentations were scripted to save on time. In short the organizers got that part ryt.

THEME: the theme was about celebrating a musical journey from the 80’s to today. From the mc’s, Esther Wahome doing mary Atieno’s song”Adamu na eva” to r-kay doing ukilya moko.. all the way to the rap duo of A-star n Rigga. N the lastly the current crop of Eko, juliani,MOG n Daddy Owen was a true musical journey. The presence of pple like Japheth kasanga n pete odera jst showed Groove meant business. The dancers too took us through a real musical journey with dances from yesteryears to todays hits(Tobina).

VENUE: For those in the know. KICC is one of the best conference centres this side of the world. While any venue could do for an event of such magnitude, the choice of KICC speaks for itself. If you are doing an event which is expected to raise standards, nothing should be taken for granted, venue included.

MC’s and Controllers: if you noticed the event was celebrating the growth of music for the last 3 decades, for such an event smbdy with a good understanding of the same is a good choice. They might not av been as funny as others bt Kanji & Amani had a grasp of the music industry. The pre-recorded slides also managed to reduce the time spent on announcements thus the efficiency witnessed

LIVE BAND; the use of a live band for all performances ws a new standard. They were able to control amount of time spent on satge. Raise n lower the tempo of the event and bring a whole new meaning to the word “live”. On this one they got it ryt.

SPONSORS: well this is it. Sponsors were picked strategically. Safaricom was the Title sponsor n you could see why from the standard displayed. NTV did what they kno best. Live gigs n pop media made sure the stage befitted such an event. The media houses involved were strategically picked for maximum publicity n all the other sponsors were here to do their part. There is much that goes to an event so when picking sponsors choose strategically.
Well some things were kinda weird. Like Juliani’s too sagging trousers were sme how off the blacktie event. The MC’s had sme jokes which pple were not getting coz they are kinda yesterday n all. Everybody sees what they want to see n as much as groove wasn’t without hitches, it stood out for the right reason. Well this is my take n I would very much welcome pple’s take on the same…

Monday, April 12, 2010


its always a complicated talk bt there myt be some serious differences between this two words. Allow me to engage ur minds in ma famous 2cents of advice.. its widely quoted from diff places so credit is given where due
- The manager administers; the leader innovates.
– The manager is a copy; the leader is an original.
– The manager maintains; the leader develops.
– The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people.
– The manager relies on control; the leader inspires trust.
– The manager has a short-range view; the leader has a long-range perspective.
– The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
– The manager has his or her eye always on the bottom line; the leader’s eye is on the horizon.
– The manager imitates; the leader originates.
– The manager accepts the status quo; the leader challenges it.
– The manager is the classic good soldier; the leader is his or her own person.
– The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.
Now between the two who wuld u rather be… n also who wuld u rather lead you.. and in ministry n companies who do u think fits better.. can somebody get a good balance of the two


Monday, December 7, 2009 at 10:44am | Edit Note | Delete
1) We only reap what has been sowed(Law of action n reaction)
We reap what we sowed or others sowed on our behalf. Smtimes u go thro badtimes coz of things u neva did bt smbdy did n thus they affect you today. Sow intergrity so u n those around cn enjoy a good harvest in future
2) We reap the same in kind as we sowed( Law of reproduction)
John 3.. n Galatians 6...if u sow immorality u will reap of the same.if u sow intergrity u shall reap of the same. What u harvesting today whether good or bad is nt an accident bt a reflection of the sowing u did or smbody did for u in the past
3) We reap in a different season than the one we sowed(Law of defered returns)
Galatians 6:9. lets nt tire in doing good for in due season.. those 30 minutes we enjoy in immorality translate in a diff season to a year o disease n unwanted pregnancies n stress..those 30mins u spend in ur books will translate in a diff season to a lifetime of peace in bliss. Don’t be lied by 5 mins of fun..they myt be replaced by a lifetime of sorrow
4) We always reap more than we sowed(Law of multiplied returns)
Ur 5 mins f pleasure wont be replced by 5 mins of sorrow bt mayb a lifetym of sorrow n sadness bt on the other side ur 5mins of a good deed, studying, praying will also not be replaced by 5 mins of blessings bt a lifetym of the same. U will get more of what u invest, pliz invest wisely. Its better to suffer n later enjoy for long than to enjoy n later suffer for long.
5) We reap in proportion to what we sowed(Law of proportions)
2nd Corin 2:.. whoeva sows sparingly will reap sparingly.. we always reap in proportion to what we sowed.if u spend lots of time on immoral things ur harvest will be in a different season n proportionally more n it wont be good.. bt if u sow in intergrity, ur harvest will be in a different season n proportionally more than u sowed n u will av a tym of bliss. Invest well
6) We reap the full harvest of the good only if we persevere
Galatians 6:9-10 if we don’t grow weary of doing good.
Ecclisiastes…cast ur bread upon the waters n u will find it after many days. Sometimes we seem to wait for long for the harvest. God is never early n neva late bt always on time, due time, appointed time. To reap the full benefit of the good, persevere n he will bless u at the appointed time.
7) We cant do anything bout past harvest, bt we can do evrytng bout future harvest
This is not a scary message bt a wake uo call for us to take charge of our future coz what we do today willm determine the life we gona live tomorrow..dont fooled by one minute fun n a lifetime of sorrow rather sow that time in intergrity n in due time u shall reap the total harvest of the good


All great men in the bible made mistakes
Abraham, David, Jacob, Isaac n many others
Yet we say the God of Abraham, Isaac n Jacob
David is a man after God’s own heart
It’s no different today
Its not in never falling that we win but in raising up
Every time we fall, not passing ur exams is not an end,
God is always calculating a new n better path to ur destiny
U myt get the wrong job, guy/chic, friend, career etc.
But get this
We r not given hearts of timidity but of authority,
Nor plans to harm us but to prosper us
We are a royal priesthood, a chosen generation, a peculiar pple..
We r called anointed, predestined, justified and blessed above all
God neva turns away from us even wen we do
Even wen we take a detour from our destiny he prepares a new path.
Wee jonah learnt that the hard way..we myt also
He is never shocked by awa actions or problems
He is not after a perfect pple, but pple who can be made whole
U r a leader, fether. Mother, encourager, pastor n above all.
A revolution n not a mere human being
Rise, shake off the dust, kick ur mistakes aside and

The world of entreprenours

thinkng of starting a business...check this out n tell me what u think...
TYPES OF ENTREPRENOURS.... my two cent worth of advice.. this is y i get paid.
1. The Improver: you are focused on using your company as a means to improve the world. Your motto is: morally correct companies will be rewarded working on a noble cause. Have an unwavering ability to run their business with high integrity and ethics.
Alert: Be aware of your tendency to be a perfectionist and over-critical of employees and customers. E.g. Anita Roddick, Founder of the Body Shop.
2. The Advisor: provide an extremely high level of assistance and advice to customers. The motto is: the customer is right and we must do everything to please them. Companies built by advisors become customer focused.
Alert: Advisors can become totally focused on the needs of their business and customers that they may ignore their own needs and ultimately burn out .e.g. John W. Nordstrom, Founder Nordstrom.
3. The Superstar: business is centered on the charisma and high energy of the Superstar CEO. This personality often will cause you to build your business around your own personal brand.
Alert: Can be too competitive and workaholics. E.g. Donald Trump, CEO of Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts.
4. The Artist: reserved but highly creative type. Often found in businesses demanding creativity such as web design and ad agencies. As an artist type you’ll tend to build your business around the unique talents and creativities you have.
Alert: You may be overly sensitive to your customer’s responses even if the feedback is constructive. Let go the negative self-image. E.g. Scott Adams, Creator of Dilbert.
6. The Analyst: your company is focus on fixing problems in a systematic way. Often the basis for science, engineering or computer firms, Analyst companies excel at problem solving.
Alert: Be aware of analysis paralysis. Work on trusting others .e.g. Intel Founder, Gordon Moore.
7. The Fireball: A business owned and operated by a Fireball is full of life, energy and optimism. Your company is life-energizing and makes customers feel the company has a get it done attitude in a fun playful manner.
Alert: You may over commit your teams and act to impulsively e.g. Malcolm Forbes, Publisher, Forbes Magazine.
8. The Hero: You have an incredible will and ability to lead the world and your business through any challenge. You are the essence of entrepreneurship and can assemble great companies.
Personality Alert: Over promising and using force full tactics to get your way will not work long term. To be successful, trust your leadership skills to help others find their way.
Entrepreneurial example: Jack Welch, CEO General Electric.
9. The Healer: If you are a Healer, you provide nurturing and harmony to your business. You have an uncanny ability to survive and persist with an inner calm.
Alert: Because of your caring, healing attitude toward your business, you may avoid outside realities and use wishful thinking. E.g. Ben Cohen, Co-Founder Of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream.